Wawa Hals

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Those to-be-read books

My aim to read 52 books this year went down the drain when I hit a reading slump in October, so I’d reset my reading goal to 30 books and I managed to finish 32 instead. Reading slump was like a dark age for me!

I was checking out books on Goodreads the other day. If you are new to reading and looking for place where readers hang out or simply just wondering what is Goodreads, it’s a site where readers connect and get books recommendation ~ I describe it as a facebook for readers!

As I was scrolling at my Goodreads friends bookshelves, metaphorically speaking, it feels like sitting in their study (I imagined it’s magical list of books perfectly placed on the bookshelves too!); I’d noticed they had so SO many books that I had never read before. Some of the books, I never knew existed, they have re-read ( more than just twice) and perhaps written over the course of years (a decade ago, or maybe even older).

I find it fascinating to see how other bookish friends immerse themselve into understanding the work that was done by strangers ~ who had clearly put up effort into putting their imaginations and learnings together; all waiting to be explored and we had all the opportunity to enjoy and learn from it if we want to.

That reminds me of my To Be Read (TBRs) books in my study…waiting to be explored!

How many books are on your TBRs by the way?