Work With Me | Disclosure Policy

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Disclosure Policy

Hello there! This blog is my personal space where I spill the tea on my experiences and thoughts. All the views expressed here are entirely my own.

I only recommend products or services that I've tried and believe are worthwhile.

While I'm open to getting some support for my growing blog, I'm not on anyone's payroll just yet.

Tip Me Ko-fi is cobber with Tip Me Ko-fi. If you're keen, you can support my creative endeavors with a one-time shout of 3 USD on Ko-fi. This'll go through PayPal, so you might need to whip up an account to sling me a brew!

Affiliate Links is also in cahoots with affiliate links. This means that when you click through to products I recommend and make an order, I earn a small commission.

This blog is part of a few affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees when you follow links from my blog.

Creative Works

Books, Art & Life Blog | Book Review Policy

On the Books, Art & Life blog, I write booknotes and book lists. I'm always up for diving into a good book, but here's the thing - I'm knee-deep in my 9-to-5 grind at a corporate company. But hey, if you've got a gem you think I'd love, hit me up! Quick heads up, though, I haven't tackled any publisher-sent book reviews yet (Would love to!). I'm all for it, but I've got to keep it real - I'm only taking on a handful at a time. You know, gotta keep that TBR pile from going bonkers.

If you're tossing me a book for review, send me the sypnosis of what it is all about. Please note that I'm currently accepting a limited number of review copies due to my work and also of my to-be-read pile.

If I love a book, I'll share about it on #bookstagram and my blog for sure, but I will never publish an unjustly biased review.

I do my best to read and review books promptly, but due to time constraints and work commitments, it may take several weeks for a review to pop-up.

For inquiries, please contact me at

Corporate Gig

WorkWizard Blog | Hire Me As A Digital Business Manager / Project Manager

On the WorkWizard blog, I'm sharing my expertise in Agile Delivery for Software Development team. Fresh off the rank with a Project Management Professional (PMP) from Project Management Institute, I'm your go-to for sorting out nifty onboarding programs, planning and managing initiatives and cracking team rituals and workshops.

Read about my Project Management Portfolio

If you're interested in hiring my services, please send your inquiries to