Week 12-14 (Analysis 101 - #2 Pseudocode) : Newbie swotting as a Business Analyst

Hello friends,

Welcome back to my #SwottingAsABusinessAnalyst series. Read my previous post Week 12-14 Part 1 and the Week 11 here.

If you're new here, explore the initial post of my journey 'Swotting' as a budding Business Analyst.

During Weeks 12 to 14, I had intermittent online engagements and returned to wrap up our new learning topic. The highlight of the week was our introduction to Analysis 101!

Training Objectives:

We aimed to achieve the following by the end of the training:

  • Perform simple data analysis using Excel.

  • Learn basic query extraction/manipulation using SQL, Excel formulas, etc.

  • Develop an understanding of pseudocode.

This blogpost is divided into 3 sections, which I am splitting it into 3 different blogpost (itโ€™s too long!) :

  1. Making sense of data (Read here)

  2. Pseudocode

  3. Data Analysis & Data Extraction (Read here)

#2 Pseudocode

Pseudocode is like a rough draft of a computer program. It's written in simple language and helps us plan how the program will work before we actually write the code. We use it to explain ideas, solve problems, and work together as a team. There are no strict rules for writing pseudocode, but we keep it neat and organized so others can understand it easily. Just imagine writing down step-by-step instructions for the computer using plain language and basic formatting.

In short, imagine Pseudocode as a โ€œflowchartโ€ to explain step-by-step on how codes to be written.

When do Business Analyst use Pseudocode?

Business analysts use pseudocode as a tool to describe how a system or process should work at a high level. They often use it during the requirements gathering <insert link to blog> and analysis phase of a project to help stakeholders <insert link to blog> understand the proposed solution without getting into the technical details of coding.

Pseudocode allows BAs to communicate complex ideas in a simple and structured way, making it easier for non-technical stakeholders to provide feedback and understand the proposed solution. BAs can use pseudocode in various ways, such as:

  1. Clarifying Requirements: BAs can use pseudocode to describe the expected behavior of a system or feature based on the requirements gathered from stakeholders. This helps ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of what needs to be built.

  2. Validating Business Rules: Pseudocode can be used to outline the logic behind business rules and workflows. By visualizing how these rules will be implemented in the system, BAs can verify their accuracy and completeness.

  3. Facilitating Collaboration: Pseudocode serves as a common language between BAs, developers, and stakeholders. It allows them to collaborate effectively during design discussions, ensuring that everyone is aligned on the proposed solution.

  4. Supporting Documentation: Pseudocode can be included in project documentation, such as user stories, requirements specifications, or process flows, to provide additional clarity and context.

  5. Testing and Validation: BAs can use pseudocode to create test cases and scenarios to validate the correctness of the proposed solution. By simulating different scenarios, they can identify potential issues and refine the solution accordingly.

Example :

The images above read as : โ€œIf n1 is larger than n2, print n1. Else print n2โ€

  • Wrong โŒ -refer image

    • โ€œIf n1 is larger than n2, print n1. Else print n2โ€ - The code that is written is still considered technical and closer to programming codes. Pseudocode should be written in a simpler version

  • Correct โœ… - refer image

    • Image 1 : Pseudocode can also be written in a straight forward language in a layman term.

    • Image 2 : Curly bracket { } can be written to loop the pseudocode

What is Pseudocode common construct?

  1. Sequence: Statements are executed sequentially, from top to bottom. Example:

    Read user input Calculate result Display result

  2. Selection (If-Else): Conditionally executes a block of code based on a condition. Example:

    If temperature > 30: Print "It's hot outside" Else: Print "It's cool outside"

  3. Iteration (Loop): Repeats a block of code multiple times until a condition is met. Example:

    For each item in shopping cart: Calculate total cost

  4. Function/Procedure: A reusable block of code that performs a specific task. Example:

    Function calculateInterest(principal, rate, time): Return (principal * rate * time) / 100

  5. Assignment: Assigns a value to a variable. Example:

    result = num1 + num2

  6. Input/Output: Reads input from a user or external source, and outputs information to a display or file. Example:

    Read user input Display result

  7. Comments: Non-executable lines used for documentation or clarification. Example:

    Anything that is written after // is considered as text and will not affect coding 

    // This function calculates the area of a rectangle

Head on the to last part of Week 12-14 reflection : #3 Data Analysis & Data Extraction

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You can also explore my other blog post on Agile Delivery, Project Solutions, Agile Mindset and Career Bits on WorkWizard. Leave me a comment, would love to hear if we are on the same wavelength!

Read this article on medium : https://medium.com/@wawahalim


Week 12-14 (Analysis 101 - #3 Data Analysis & Extraction) : Newbie swotting as a Business Analyst


Week 12-14 (Analysis 101 - #1 Making Sense of Data) : Newbie swotting as a Business Analyst