An INTJ's Guide to Celebrating Bookish Valentine's Day

Hey friends! With Valentine's Day just around the corner, it's time to celebrate love in all its forms, including our love for books. Whether you're spending the day solo or with a partner, here are some bookish ideas to infuse your Valentine's Day. This is something that I personally likes to do as an INTJ person. If you can resonates with me, or simply just looking for bookish ideas for this Valentine’s week, continue to read.

#1 A Spa Day, but Make it Bookish

Being alone and escaping the chaos of the world, whether online or offline is something that I considered as self-care. It’s much needed self-care especially with the chaotic nature of my work environment (dealing with people is not my strong pursuits!)

Plus, it’s warm and wet at the same time in Kuala Lumpur, sunny in the morning and unannounced rain in the afternoon. I’d rather be at home and treat myself to a literary spa day.

Set the mood with scented candles, soothing music, and a plush pillow. Dive into a good book while pampering yourself with a relaxing bubble bath or indulgent skincare routine (my favorite is always an eye mask or facial sheet mask, because it’s easier to move around). Spa day like this is the easiest way to unwind and show myself some love.

#2 Plan a Cozy Re-reading Date:

There's nothing quite like the comfort of revisiting a beloved book. A comfort book especially! Set up a cozy reading nook with your favorite blanket and brew a cup of tea or coffee. Love when I get to dive into a book that stimulates my intellect and offers an escape from the outside world.

5 of my favourite re-read are :

  1. Any of 7 books of Harry Potter Series; my favourite is Harry Potter & the Philosopher Stone #1 by JK Rowling - 🛒 Kinokuniya Malaysia, Amazon, Kindle e-Book, Audible Audiobook

  2. Little Woman by Little Women 🛒 Kinokuniya Malaysia, Amazon, Kindle e-Book, Audible Audiobook

  3. House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune 🛒 Kinokuniya Malaysia, Amazon, Kindle e-Book, Audible Audiobook

  4. Away with the Penguins by Hazel Prior 🛒 Kinokuniya Malaysia, Amazon, Kindle e-Book, Audible Audiobook

  5. Any of 4 from Before Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi 🛒 Kinokuniya Malaysia, Amazon, Kindle e-Book, Audible Audiobook

If you need an inspiration, I did made a video of a wholesome book recommendations on Youtube

#3 Discover a Cosy Bookstore Cafe and Read A Book

You can have a cozy date at a regular coffee shop too! I always enjoy going to a café alone, ordering a coffee and a slice of sweet pastry, and indulging in my favorite book. Tsutaya Bukit Jalil, with its café inside, provides a cozy nook for reading as well!

#4 Host a Bookish Movie Marathon:

When I was still living with friends in my 20s, we used to curl up on the couch with a selection of book-to-film adaptations (usually, it was me who made the girls watch these, lol) or movies about love and literature. Nowadays, I'd drag my husband into these shenanigans, but I really don’t mind watching alone too! That’s a perk when you are married to a gaming husband; who also enjoys alone time, you get to have a lot of quiet time even though you both are in the same room. And, being an INTJ, doing things on my own is my gem.

Whether you prefer classic romances or quirky indie films, there's something for every book lover to enjoy. Don't forget the popcorn!

My favorite films include Miss Potter (the author of Peter Rabbit), Harry Potter (of course!), Little Women, and my recent favorite, Where The Crawdads Sing (I’ve read the book and absolutely love the film), Before Coffee Gets Cold (Cafe Funiculi, Funicula)

#5 Bake or Cook A Delicious Meal Mentioned Books You Read

Cook up a delicious meal inspired by your favorite books or literary characters. From various types of pie (like the silver platter of pies) for Harry Potter fans, Japanese bento for Kamogawa Food Detectives, to Turkish delight for Narnia enthusiasts, or biscotti dunked in coffee in Legends and Latte, there are plenty of fun and creative recipes to explore. Relive the delightful moments of the book you have read by making it in your kitchen this Valentine!

Make it fun, invite friends to your home and enjoy it together!

#6 Start a Bookish Journal

If you can resonates with me, you know It’s always a great day to start writing a journal.

We can channel our analytical mind into a bookish journal where we can record our thoughts, reflections and reading goals. Use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to embark on a new journaling journey and deepen your connection with literature.

🛒 Dotted bullet journal : Shop in Malaysia | Amazon

Related blog post : Crafting Your Personal Reading Plan

#7 Take Yourself Out for a Bookish Treat

Of course, this has to be on the list.

Sure, take yourself out on this day, treat yourself to a new book or a stylish book tote as a special Valentine’s Day gift. For those who usually prefer to buy second-hand books, maybe you want to make it special by letting you splurge on a new book or the other way round. If you usually buy paperbacks, maybe it’s the day you could splurge on getting one with a hardcover or a collectible edition for yourself. Do it only if you like and want to! Whether it's a beautifully illustrated edition of a novel (classic, contemporary, etc.) or a cozy reading nook accessory, new or secondhand, investing in your book collection is a meaningful way to celebrate your love for literature.

Use this link to look for a brand new book : Kinokuniya Malaysia

Secondhand Bookshop : Sleepy Cat Bookshop | Books n’ Bobs | ~ these are my favourite. There are few more second-hand bookstores in Malaysia which I have yet to try buying from.

#8 Create or Refresh Your Reading Nook

Give your books some love by spending the day either to create your reading nook or refreshing it with new paint or arranging the furniture. Buy yourself a cozy plush pillow to support your neck when you’re lounging on the couch to read books. Buy yourself some cute reading accessories if you want to. It can also be as simple as using the day to rearrange your books, updating your book catalog, giving them some love by dusting them off.

Here’s some inspiration of ‘reading nook ideas’ you can find from Pinterest

#9 Listen to Audiobook While You Play Puzzle

I love doing this so much! Consider to sign up for an Audible audiobook this Valentine’s Day.

The last one, I don’t do it anymore as an adult for no particular reason, but did it much when I was a kid.

#10 Craft Bookish Valentines

My mother had a hobby she loved. She'd collect paper scraps from groceries, old magazines, or dried leaves, then we'd set aside time to get creative. She'd craft bookmarks inspired by her favorite quotes, using a typewriter to type them out and meticulously cutting them into small notes. Sadly, I don’t recall where all those creations ended up; we moved houses a lot when I was growing up.

Maybe you can help me remake this nostalgic hobby my mom used to have. Make your own bookmark!

Get creative and craft heartfelt valentines inspired by your favorite books. Use quotes, characters, or book covers as inspiration to design unique cards for friends, family, or that special someone. Handwritten notes are a thoughtful way to spread love and appreciation.

I hope this inspire you to have a wonderful date yourself on this special day. Happy Valentine's Day, bookish friends! Till next time.

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If you’re thinking of buying the books from this book lists, order yours using this link : 🛒 Order from Kinokuniya Malaysia | Amazon | Kindle e-Book | Audible Audiobook

You can also explore my favourite bookish accessories and more on my curated shopping list on 🛒 Products I love!

Explore my other book lists where you can find my books recommendation.

Your support not only gets you the next books to read but also fuels my creative endeavors (at no extra cost to you!). Many thanks!

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